Chloe´s images show that there is a wide range of gender expressions and identities that are contrary to the mainstream male-female binary. She wants to provide a strong visual resource for transgender/queer individuals and try and create a comprehensive and diverse representation of our society.
"I want my images to call into question societal expectations about gender roles in order to raise social consciousness." Chloe's most recent series 'GenderNormality' is challenging the assumption that there are only two genders.
Phil Sayers adopted a transgender persona many years ago and has performed feminine masquerade in photographs since then. Much of the work is concerned with ' constructed identity' and earlier work, based on art historical sources, challenges the long cultural tradition of women being represented as young, nubile and often passive. Recent works made with older women are a celebration of the mature body and not a surrender to the male gaze. The sometimes flawed and aging bodies portray ambivialent messages about constructed gender and sexuality. Phil has exhibited widely in galleries and museums with historical collections and is now engaging with the LGBT community in various countries.
After many years working for the mainstream press, with little time to go in depth on individual projects, Kris started photographing and collecting stories of individuals with gender identity issues. One such project turned into the book "The Boy Who Was Not A Lesbian & Other True Stories" published in California in 2012.​ This only left her wanting more - gender & identity became her cause. Her new book project is about transgender women in the male US prison system. Her new series 'G E N D E R F U L' is focusing on Gender and Identity as a creative process; celebrating gender diversity through fine art photography. Kris is trained in UK, Bangkok and California and has exhibited her work internationally. She lives and works with her partner in Berkeley, California.
© 2013 by Chloe Meynier. All rights reserved © 2013 by Phil Sayers. All rights reserved © 2013 by Kristin Lyseggen. All rights reserved